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Welcome to the Armenian Relief Society - Western USA

The Armenian Relief Society serves the social, health and welfare needs of the community; promotes the Armenian language and culture; provides financial assistance to students; assists victims of natural disasters and wars; fosters the spirit of good fellowship among ARS members and community; and advocates human rights and social change in civil society.

Local Programs

Through the work of our region's chapters, the provision of social services, mental health services, and community partnerships, our local programs contribute to the betterment of society.

International Programs

The organization’s humanitarian programs reach far and wide to Armenia, Artsakh, Javakhk, Syria and communities around the world where aid is needed most.

Education Promotion

The ARS of Western USA operates one-day schools, provides scholarships, supports kindergartens and youth centers to promote and advance education.

Making a Difference

Our commitment to humanitarian service is aimed at making an impactful difference in the lives of those we serve. Share our vision and partner with us to make a difference.

Recent News

99th Regional Convention of the Armenian Relief Society of the Western USA

The 99th Regional Convention of the Armenian Relief Society of the Western USA was successfully held from July 19-21, 2024,…

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Mental Health Conference

ARS Held a Mental Health Conference on May 4, 2024 at the ARS Regional Center with guest lecturers Nora Chitilian,…

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Հայ Օգնութեան Միութեան Արեւմտեան Շրջանի Շրջանային Վարչութեան Ջաւախք Յիմնադրամի Հանգանակային ձեռնարկը տեղի ունեցաւ Մայիս 5, 2024ին ,Կլէնտէյլի <<Impressions>> սրահին մէջ։…

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Get Involved

Make a Donation

The ARS needs the support of individuals like you to continue our humanitarian work.

Join a Chapter

The Armenian Relief Society (ARS) of Western U.S.A. relies on its chapters for existence; and ARS chapters depend on their members for existence. Chapters have important roles in how a region operates.

Upcoming Events

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Let your heart lead you to bring help where help is needed

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Donation Total: $100.00

The Armenian Relief Society (ARS) of Western U.S.A is proud to offer scholarships to Armenian students!


One-day Schools




Volunteer Members

Our Chapters