ARS Sevan Chapter Thanksgiving Luncheon for Artsakh Families
Almost 110 people attended the ARS Orange County Sevan Chapter’s Thanksgiving Luncheon to raise funds for Artsakh families on November 12, 2023 at the Harut Barsamian Armenian Center in Santa Ana, Calif.
Opening prayers were delivered by Forty Martyrs Armenian Apostolic Church parish priest Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian, who encouraged those present to assist the Artsakh families. ARS Sevan Chapter Executive Chairperson Ungh. Zarouhi DerTavitian delivered her message of thanksgiving for all our blessings and goodness in our lives, and thanked especially the ARS donors for lending a hand to the forcibly displaced Artsakh families and not losing hope for the future.
Armen Stepanyan and Lilit Khojayan played favorite traditional Armenian tunes. The turkey luncheon was prepared by ARS members, headed by Ungh. DerTavitian.
The fundraising continues. The proceeds of the Armenian Center Friday night dinners and AYF Junior bake-sale will be added to the funds, which will be forwarded to the Regional Executive.