Merit Recognition of High School Graduating Seniors

Educating the youth continues to be one of the primary objectives of the ARS. Along with operating Saturday or one-day schools, providing assistance to Armenian day schools and higher institutions, the ARS continues to assist needy day-school, college or university students with scholarships. The amount of the available funding depends on the interest earnings of the past year or donations received for that purpose. In addition to the awards noted below, the ARS WUSA members and sponsors contribute to provide awards to needy or orphaned college students in Armenia, Artsakh and Javakhk.
Each year, chapters provide awards as merit recognition to public high school graduating seniors. The ARS-WUSA Regional Executive Board holds an annual gathering of the awardees, along with their counselors and principal’s, to collectively recognize their achievements, and hands certificates of achievement. Those chapters, which are located far away from Glendale, hold their own programs or attend the high school award night to hand over the awards. The current requirement for consideration for this award is a grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5. The Armenian-American senior applicant also needs to be active within both his/her school and community, and must plan on attending a university or college.