
Reopening of ARS One-Day Schools

September 5, 2023

ՀՕՄի ԱՄՆի Արեւմտեան Շրջանի Վարժարաններու 2023-2024 Տարեշրջանի Վերամուտ   Ստորեւ կը ներկայացնենք Հայ Օգնութեան Միութեան ԱՄՆի Արեւմտեան շրջանի վարժարաններու արձանագրութեանց եւ դասընթացքներու թուականները, պատասխանատու-Տնօրէններու անուններն ու հաղորդակցութեան միջոցները, ինչպէս նաեւ…

ARS of Western USA Scholarship Awards 2023

June 29, 2023

Annually, the Armenian Relief Society of Western USA awards scholarships to high school and college/university students in recognition of their academic achievements and community service. Over the past twenty years,…

ARS Javakhk Fund’s Student Coin Bank Drive Raises Over $12,000

June 21, 2023

Glendale, CA.- Throughout the month of May 2023, the Armenian Relief Society of Western USA’s Javakhk Fund launched its effort of distributing coin banks throughout prelacy Armenian and ARS one-day…

ARS of Western USA Chosen as a 2023 Nonprofit of the Year by Assemblymember Laura Friedman

June 7, 2023

The Armenian Relief Society of Western USA is proud to announce it was selected as a 2023 California Nonprofit of the Year by Assemblymember Laura Friedman of the 44th Assembly…

Outstanding High School Graduates’ Awards Night 2023

June 7, 2023

The ARS Regional Executive Board hosted its Outstanding High School Graduates’ Awards Ceremony on June 5, 2023 at the ARS Regional Headquarters. Chapters provided scholarship awards to local Armenian and…

ANCA Policy Seminar 2023

June 6, 2023

ARS Regional Executive Board members Anush Chalian and Christina Khanjian, as well as ARS Central Executive Chairperson Dr. Nyree Derderian and chapter members, participated in the ANCA Policy Seminar at…